You can hear the concept of financial freedom often, but might not give a thought much. Financial freedom means having an investment income by which you can survive without being dependent on wages, salaries or pension. I will go into the details of financial freedom in this article.
Tag: Money
Financial ignorance makes us slaves
In my previous article, I defended the idea that if it’s causing a miserable life, it’s not worth ruining your life for the money. In this article, I will talk about financial ignorance, which is the biggest reason why many people live in debt and can’t get out of this situation despite their constant work.
Is it worth selling your life for money?
Most of us are not the members of a naturally lucky group who do not need to work to survive. In order to live, we know the necessity of earning money in today’s world and live accordingly. It’s all right, but is it possible for us to overlook our present because we’ve conditioned ourselves too much? And is it worth it?