Photo by Anubhav Saxena on Unsplash
Photo by Anubhav Saxena on Unsplash

Whose life do we live in?

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life!”
Steve Jobs

Our life begins; childhood, adolescence, youth follow each other—schools, exams, and university, sometimes second university and sometimes even the third one. Afterwards, we begin to make an effort to find a job and adapt to work life. After being accepted as an adult in society, there will be many uncertainties and difficulties that can arise in the flow of life.

The first 20 years of life pass quickly as a part of childhood and adolescence. Other people drive our lives until the age of 20. Teachers at school, parents at home, focus on guiding us, regardless of what we want to do with our lives! Older people, who think they have passed through the same situations before, are trying to save us from making mistakes. In the direction of their life experiences, while raising their children, they do not ask their children what they want to do in the future. As a result, many people do not have a chance to choose the way of life with their preference.

Through the ages of 20 to 30, university period, and afterwards, first years of work and adapting to a career, life goes by intensely and with the fire of youth, without understanding what exactly life is. As life flows with things imposed by others, suddenly something happens, and around 30-35 years of age, close to half-life, some critical questions are beginning to form in people’s minds. We begin to question what for and whom for whom we live. Especially with the globalized world, the 80s generation and later generations began to question life more often.

Is my life on the right path? Is the life I’m living now, the life I want to live? Am I wasting my life? Am I happy in my current life role? Could I be more comfortable? Do I want to stay in the city I am in now? Do I like my job? What can I do to live more satisfied? What do I want to leave behind for the future? There may be too many similar questions that can profoundly affect our lives. Once you start asking yourself these questions, then it does not stop. Once this process has begun, we have to find a way to improve our lives.

Sometimes asking these kind of questions can lead to adverse situations. This questioning process, unfortunately, can drag some people into depression. They can think that life is meaningless. However, using these questions correctly can help us lead our lives as we wish. These questions can create different thoughts, picture dreams, enable us to try new things we have not tried before, lead us to new quests, and help us find a brand new lifestyle.

When you question yourself, be open-minded, and try to find the most honest, most real answers to your questions. It is also essential to look at your life positively, and in any case, not allow negative thoughts to capture you.

In my next article, I will continue to detail this topic.

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